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Amazon SEO: How Consultants Can Optimize Your Listings for Better Visibility

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Amazon SEO: How Consultants Can Optimize Your Listings for Better Visibility



Amazon is the biggest e-commerce portal in the world, with millions of active sellers and over 300 million active customers from different parts of the world. In 2023, Amazon accounted for more than 40% of all online sales in the United States. However, listing products on Amazon does not necessarily mean that they will be sold. Amazon’s SEO to improve product listing for visibility is a priority for sellers as new sellers emerge.

Amazon Seller Central Consultants are one of the most well-educated and experienced tribes, and they are essential in this process. They aid the seller in enhancing the listing of the products for better ranking and visibility of the results against any search. This blog covers how Amazon SEO works, why it’s so crucial for sellers, and how Amazon SEO consultants apply their skills to enhance your listings for better visibility and more sales.

What is Amazon SEO?

Let me explain Amazon SEO before explaining how consultants can help. Amazon SEO is the process of optimizing product listings to show up in Amazon’s search results. Unlike Google, which uses backlinks and domain authority to grade pages, Amazon’s A9 algorithm relies mainly on the relevance of the product listings to what a customer is looking for.

The A9 algorithm considers quite a few factors when determining the products that will be displayed for a given search:

–  Keywords:-

Relevant keywords in the product title, bullet points, and description.

–  Sales Velocity:-

The number of sales a product generates within a specific timeframe.

–  Customer Reviews and Ratings:-

Higher ratings and more reviews positively influence ranking.

–  Price Competitiveness:-

Products priced competitively are more likely to rank higher.

–  Fulfillment Method:-

Products fulfilled by Amazon (FBA) often rank higher than seller-fulfilled products.

–  Conversion Rate:-

How often do people who view the product listing make a purchase?

Amazon SEO is pervasive and time-consuming. Not surprisingly, many cannot follow A9 updates or the competition. Here, consultancy services on Amazon come in handy as they offer some proper advice. These services allow sellers to optimize listings according to advice for increasing visibility and subsequent sales.

Why Amazon SEO is Crucial for Success:-

Amazon is not only a buying and selling destination but also a fierce competition. Sellers on Amazon count are growing continuously in the U.S. as of 2024, with more than 2 million active sellers on the site. Amidst so many in such a competitive environment, attracting attention from hundreds or thousands, among others, is challenging. Even best-selling items may get lost in many listings without proper optimization.

That is why Amazon SEO is so important for sellers wishing to operate within Amazon successfully:

1.  Increased Visibility:-

Optimized listings rank higher in search results, increasing the chances of your product being seen by potential customers. According to a survey by Feedvisor, 70% of Amazon shoppers need to click past the first page of search results. Therefore, being on the first page is essential for visibility.

2.  Improved Sales:-

Higher visibility naturally leads to more clicks, and more clicks lead to increased sales. Optimized, well-structured, and informative listings will likely convert clicks into purchases.

3.  Competitive Edge:-

With millions of products listed on Amazon, SEO gives you an edge over competitors by improving your search rankings. When your listing appears higher in search results than your competitors, you’re more likely to capture a larger market share.

4.  Maximizing Amazon’s Algorithms:-
Amazon constantly modifies the A9 algorithm. Learn how to improve your listings as these changes are happening. Experience consultants know about such updates and will help you improve listings for optimal results.
5.  Boosted Organic Traffic:-

Amazon has paid adverts, but SEO for organic search visibility will be a cheap option that may produce long-term success without strictly depending on paid campaigns.

How Consultants Can Make Amazon Listings Pop

Improving listings on Amazon requires excellent knowledge about the Amazon search system, buyer behavior, and competition. Consultants at Amazon Seller Central are essential in this respect. They extensively analyze keywords, buyer behavior, and competition to develop the best strategies for your business. Let’s explain how consultants can improve your listings to make them more visible.

amazon seller central consultant, amazon success, amazon consultancy services, amazon SEO

1. Comprehensive Keyword Research:-

Keywords in your product are the basis for Amazon SEO. To come out top in search results, your product listings must contain the keywords customers use when searching for products like yours.

The consultants utilize keyword research tools like Helium 10, Jungle Scout, and AMZScout to find ‘high searches, little or low competition’ keywords. They might use the ‘Cerebro’ tool by Helium 10 to understand your competitors’ use. Such keywords are progressively added to your product title, bullet points, description, and backend search terms. It will make your listing important to Amazon’s search engine and customers.

For example, if you are selling running shoes, a consultant may determine that many people are searching for “men’s running shoes” and “lightweight running shoes.” Including those words in the title and description will vastly increase the number of people who see your listing when they type them into the search bar.

Consultants usually improve keywords in these main areas:

–  Product Title:-

This is the most important place for keywords. The title should be descriptive and include the primary keyword near the beginning.

–  Bullet Points:-

The bullet points provide additional opportunities to include relevant keywords while highlighting key product features.

–  Product Description:-

A well-written description with naturally integrated keywords improves SEO and helps convince customers to purchase.

– Backend Search Terms:-

Consultants optimize backend search terms (often hidden from customers) to include additional keywords that might not naturally fit into the product title or description.

2.Optimizing Product Titles:-

Product titles are critical for Amazon SEO. They must be improved for the search engine and the human eyeballs that will read them. This means that an excellent title must have the right keywords and, most importantly, give an evident and convincing description of your product. It will be the first thing a potential buyer notices, so attracting their eye and making them want to click on your listing is essential.

Critical elements of an optimized product title:-
–  Primary Keyword:-

The most relevant keyword should be at the beginning of the title.

–  Brand Name:-

Including the brand name can help build customer trust.

–  Product Specifications:-

Key specifications such as size, color, material, or quantity should be included to provide more information to potential buyers.

– Clarity:-

The title should be easy to read and not appear spammy. Overstuffing titles with too many keywords can lower click-through rates.

Consultants deeply understand how to balance keyword integration with readability, ensuring that your product titles drive visibility and sales.

3.Enhanced Product Descriptions and Bullet Points:-

Amazon allows you to write extensive product descriptions and bullet points that clearly explain your product’s major features and benefits. These sections are perfect for keywords and persuasive words that would convince potential buyers.

A good Amazon consultancy service will ensure that the bullet points and descriptions contain all the essential keywords but are also interesting and informative.

  • Critical elements of optimized bullet points and descriptions:-
–  Persuasive Language:-

Bullet points should highlight the product’s most important features and use persuasive language to encourage the customer to buy. Phrases like “durable,” “long-lasting,” or “easy-to-use” can help sway decision-making.

–  Keyword Integration:-

The product description should naturally incorporate relevant keywords without appearing forced.

–  Benefits-Oriented Approach:-

While bullet points focus on features, the product description should focus on the product’s benefits. Explain how it solves a customer’s problem or makes their life easier.

–  Formatting:-

Well-formatted descriptions with bullet points or short paragraphs make it easier for customers to digest the information.

By crafting compelling, well-structured descriptions, consultants help boost visibility and conversion rates, driving more sales over time.

4.Image Optimization:-

Use multiple images to attract attention to products and then boost sales. Amazon encourages sellers to add dozens of photos, including the main and additional ones, to show various sides, features, or product uses. Amazon claims that item listings with several well-done images sell better than those with only one or two pictures.

Consultants will ensure every image is Amazon-compliant and optimized for search and conversion.

  • Critical elements of optimized product images:-
–  High Resolution:-

Images should be high resolution and professional-looking, with transparent backgrounds.

–  Multiple Angles:-

Show the product differently, focusing on unique features or uses.

–  Infographics:-

Some consultants recommend using infographics to explain features or show product dimensions.

–  Lifestyle Images:-

Lifestyle images display the product used in real life. This helps customers imagine themselves using the product.

It boosts conversions and increases sales when the images are optimized for a particular listing.

amazon seller central consultant, amazon success, amazon consultancy services, amazon SEO

5.Managing Customer Reviews and Ratings:-

This Amazon ranking algorithm places great importance on customer reviews and ratings. Products ranked higher are those with good ratings and reviews.

Use a consultant to support your review strategy and implement best practices through:

–  Encouraging Reviews:-

Consultants can set up automated email campaigns or use tools like Amazon Vine to encourage customers to leave reviews after purchasing.

–  Responding to Negative Reviews:-

Negative reviews can hurt your listing’s visibility and conversion rate. Consultants help manage and respond to negative feedback professionally, addressing customer concerns and improving your reputation.

–  Product Improvements:-

Consultants may also use customer feedback to suggest ways to improve your product or listing to meet customers’ expectations better.

Consultants help you maintain a good rating by managing your reviews, which enables you to get noticed and sell more.

6.Price Optimization:-

Price is important in Amazon’s ranking system and customers’ buying decisions. Experts examine competitors’ prices and help you choose a price that boosts sales and profit margins.

Essential components of price optimization:

–  Competitive Analysis:-

Consultants research similar products to ensure your pricing is competitive within your category.

–  Dynamic Pricing:-

Some consultants recommend using dynamic pricing tools to automatically adjust your price based on demand, competition, and other market factors.

–  Pricing Strategies:-

Consultants can advise on discounts.

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